flower starts vegetable starts perennial starts

"Locally Grown, Region Specific Plants, Since 1906"

At Ashland greenhouses we buy seed, cuttings, and plug starts from many different venues. Here are some helpful links for specific information on plants from our availability list.


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Employment Opportunities

Do you love working outdoors? How about a job that changes with each season? If you like plants then a job at Ashland Greenhouses maybe for you!

Looking for a fun seasonal job at the greenhouses? Hiring typically starts in January for the upcoming spring season. Click Here for an application for Planting (Jan), General Greenhouse Labor (Feb), Order Puller Positions (Late Feb/Early March), Delivery Driver Positions, and Retail Store Positions.

650 E Ashland Lane
Ashland, OR. 97520
Store Phone: 541.482.2866